I Am The Engine


In relatively uncertain times, given the advent of disruptive technologies, climate change and the political and social disruption at the heart of our society, I am The Engine seeks to find individuals who are breaking the mould and offering solutions that can tackle the world's most enduring social issues. What we learn through this series is that human creativity might be a natural, infinitely renewable resource, but also rarely stops with a brilliant idea. To come up with smart, cheap solutions to solve the planet's ills takes vision, scalability and perseverance when failure raises its ugly head. At all times it takes perspiration. In India solutions like this are known as Jugaad, a Hindi word that means an improvised fix - a clever solution born out of adversity. These alchemists at the heart of this Red Bull series: young inventors and visionaries who can magically transform adversity into opportunity, turning something of low value into something of high value, not for themselves, but for wider society, represent the engine of purpose that can not only create real change around them but also inspire others to do likewise.

I Am The Engine
Editor / Colourist

Red Bull Media House / Miran Media